Chapter Review: Marketing with Twitter

    This week we studied marketing on the social media platform, Twitter. Twitter's platform is slightly smaller and geared more towards younger generations, especially when compared to Instagram and even more so when comparing with Facebook. Twitter users are also more focused demographically focused in urban and suburban areas with 26 percent and 22 percent respectively, while only reaching 13 percent of the rural population. 

    Although the user population of Twitter is slightly less than Facebook and Instagram, interaction with brands is higher, three times greater to be exact. Users on Twitter are three times more likely to follow a brand than on Facebook. Users on Twitter are more open to brand interaction as most users use the app as a way to find news, search for deals, customer service and purchase ideas. Twitter's live tweeting style allows for easy to find, live updates from brands and news outlets as well as a quick and easy way to respond those brands. 69 percent of Twitter users have purchased from a brand after following them, and 79 percent of those followers retweeted content from those brands.

    Twitter Posts, "tweets", allow brands to link sites and deals directly in their posts that allow for efficient turnover when they post some kind of call to action. Twitter also allows brands to put contact info, websites and other links in the header on their page, as well as, a 160 character bio to introduce themselves to new visitors on their page. 

    Overall, Twitter is a great place for users and brands alike, to communicate, promote and express themselves to their audiences. Twitter allows for quick, less formal, conversation between brands and their consumers in a way that most other sites cannot provide. I believe Twitter will eventually overtake the rest of their competition and lead the charge in social media marketing!

    Thanks for reading!



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