Carson's Week in Review: Week 8

Howdy friends!

    Last week was our first week back from spring break and let me tell you, it was difficult getting back into the swing of a regular schedule again. I went from a week where each day all that I thought about was lacrosse to waking up to my horrible alarm and going to class for multiple hours each morning and only having to focus on lacrosse for about two hours a day. The actual week itself was pretty uneventful, although I did have another lacrosse focused day on Wednesday when we traveled a few hours west to play a Trine University in Indiana. It finally felt like spring was coming back during that game as temperatures were cool and the sky was clear. Trine likes to compare themselves to us and they believe they're on the same level as we are when it comes to a lacrosse program, so we had to make sure they knew where they stood and that was below us. We still haven't played a complete lacrosse game at our teams best, and we still beat them pretty handily, 13-3. The bus ride back was fun because we won, but an hour into the drive it seemed like everyone had fallen asleep and the bus quieted down significantly. We got home around 11:30pm and it was time for bed as soon as I got home. 

    The rest of the week was pretty nonchalant especially because our game that was scheduled for Saturday in Buffalo New York was unfortunately cancelled because the other team didn't have enough active players to field a team. This was really unfortunate because we always play at least one game up in New York each and it's always a good time. We have a lot of players from New York and with the way our parents travel to games, New York always feels like a home game for us, which is really cool. Unfortunately, we didn't get to experience that this year due to the cancellation, but it gave us more time to prepare for conference play to start this week when we take on Mount Union at home on Saturday to kick off OAC play!

Thanks for reading!



  1. I love the confidence against Trine University! Its a bummer you didn't get to go to Buffalo, but good luck on saturday!


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