Chapter Review: Marketing with TikTok

Howdy readers!

    This week we are learning about marketing with TikTok! For those of you who have not experienced this social media platform, TikTok is a short video sharing platform that has taken the world by storm over the last two years following it being the most downloaded app of 2020. TikTok boasts a monthly active user count of 689 million and ranks 7th among all social media platforms. TikTok's users fall mostly within the 13-24 year-old age bracket, representing 69 percent of the population. TikTok is used more by females than males as there is a 60 40 split in percentages, respectively. TikTok is available in 155 countries, 75 languages and users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app. 
    While TikTok is mostly user generated content, brands have found significant success in leveraging the platform to grow their business. Over 1,000 major brands are already using the app and have found an average engagement rate of 9 percent on their posts. When you consider how many users the brands are reaching, 9 percent is a significant margin as each post by an active brand receives above 200,000 views per post - that's 18,000 engagements per post!
    TikTok offers the ability to create a "TikTok Business Account" where brands can easily set up a profile, build their presence and grow through a variety of additional tools provided to them through creating a business profile rather than a standard user account. TikTok allows brands to be creative with their advertising and create trends that have the possibility of going viral. Brands on TikTok are reaching users through creating branded hashtag challenges that inspire users to respond with their own attempt at the challenge, driving significant engagement and expanding their advertising reach by being shared by content creators attempting these challenges. TikTok claims that 47 percent of users have purchased something they have seen on TikTok. Finally, TikTok ads are seen less as ads and more like content as 80 percent of users claim the ads on the platform are enjoyable and ads on TikTok have a 10 percent higher ad receptivity when compared to other platforms.

    I hope you all were able to learn something from this, I know I learned a lot through reading about marketing on TikTok!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I found these tik tok ads amusing sometimes. I actually purchased an item I saw on tik tok because of the way they marketed it on the platform.


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