Mimic Social

Howdy readers!

 Throughout this semester I have been completing a social media marketing simulation called Mimic Social. Each week we were tasked with setting up a social media marketing plan for a bag manufacturing company called Buhi. We we're given a budget and had to plan out the week of social media posts on all different platforms like Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Each week we were also presented with a scenario in the simulation that we had to deal with to produce the greatest return possible. We had to choose between different types of posts and review the metrics from previous weeks the find the strategy that produced the highest amount of views, engagements and conversions. 

    Throughout the first seven weeks, I had to select all of the individual posts and create comments as well as choose whether or not to promote a post. These weeks took much longer to complete and a lot more thought towards my strategy because I personally had to create and customize each post. In week eight I was introduced to social media influencers. These weeks we only had to select which influencers we would like to represent our brand, how we wanted them to represent us and create an offer that they found fitting to do the work for us. Once I had the influencers I wanted to target, these weeks were completed much quicker as the influencers created the individual posts for Buhi and I did not need to spend time creating and customizing each individual post. 

    I learned a lot about social media marketing throughout this simulation, but the main takeaway was that I honestly don't think I could do a career in social media marketing. I enjoy the ins and outs of social media marketing, but after completing this simulation I'm not entirely sure this is something I could do every day of my career. This scenario was a great example of how a career in social media would be and I enjoyed parts of completing this but overall learned this was not the career path for me, although I was pretty decent at it (finished in second place out of the class).

Thanks for reading! 


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