Chapter 2 Blog: Developing Your Personal Brand

    This weeks reading was over Chapter 2: Developing Your Personal Brand. Through this reading we went over the basics of developing your own brand across multiple platforms and the ins and outs of what to do as well as things to avoid.  

    To start, we had four different headers throughout the chapter as follows: Developing Your Personal Brand, Audit Your Personal Brand Online, Building Your Personal Brand Online and Social Media Etiquette. In the first section, Developing Your Personal Brand, we identified a nine-step process to successfully develop your brand. For todays blog, in an effort to not take up an hour of your time, I wanted to focus on the nine-step process discussed in the first section as I felt this was the most important step to properly starting a personal brand.

    Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience discussed the importance of understanding who it is you want to reach. Your content isn't going to be for everyone, whether your building a brand for a product or simply marketing yourself as a content creator, not everyone is going to be in the market for what you are selling. Therefore, it is important that we decide who we want our content to reach, that way we can find the best and most efficient ways of reaching the people most likely to be interested in our content.

    Step 2, 3 and 4 are more about finding and defining yourself, the headings are about determining your vision, purpose, values and passions. This is an important step when marketing yourself because you must know what you stand for before you can project that to other people. If you identify your values, purposes and vision for yourself before you begin to market yourself, you can deliver a more clear and consistent message that your viewers/clients can get on board with and follow. This is important as you begin to grow a following as you want to create a following of people who may share the same values as you and if you're clear on what those values are, you can make the content that will attract like-minded individuals to grow your brand.

    Step 5 is about determining your brand goals, "specific objectives that you would like to achieve." This is another important step to the trajectory of your brand because if you can identify short-term, mid-term and long-term goals you can create a process that you believe will best set you up to achieve those goals in a timely manner. It is important to shoot for short-term goals so that you can get off on the right foot when developing your brand, but it is also important to understand or have a general idea of where you want your brand to be in the next two, five or even ten years to make sure that you are staying on track as you approach different milestones.

    Step 6 and 7 are self-evaluation steps designed for you to understand your own brand, as well as your competition. In Step 6 you are to determine attributes that define your brand, while in Step 7 you are performing a SWOT analysis to find your competition and areas that you may be weak in or have opportunity to improve on.

    Step 8 is all about competition. Finding those who are truly your competition, people or brands that are in the same or share similar markets and audiences as you. If you are a food review YouTuber, there is no reason you should be worried about people in the car review market, however, you may share similar audiences as the travel and tourism channels that discuss local cuisine in different locations. This is where you may share a common audience and therefore may have some competition within that market and can affect some decisions you make for your brand.

    Finally, in Step 9 you are to "Identify Three Words that Best Describe You". This is an important step because it may help you find the three things you are most passionate about and need to focus on within your brand. Maybe these words are important to relating to your audience to help grow your client or fanbase. Whatever the three words you choose are, it is equally important to understand how they reflect your brand and why you chose them.

Thanks for reading, see you next week!




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