Week 1 Recap

So, this being my first blog, I felt it appropriate to do a quick recap of the first week of class and the last few weeks of my final winter break as a college student.

To start, I spent this winter break very relaxed for the first time in a long while. Typically I have some kind of family vacation or big party for New Years Eve that I usually attend. Even during the times of Covid's height, I was not the most safe and had partied for New Years Eve in 2020. This year, in lieu of doing any unnecessarily risky partying this year, we decided to spend this year with our family and a small group of close friends. I spent Christmas with my mom's side of the family and New Years with just my family, my girlfriend and one of our closest family friends. It was honestly a nice change of pace, to truly sit back and enjoy those around me, people who care about each other, rather than partying with a large group of people because that is what others do. Following New Years I kept to that similar low-profile, relaxed break pattern and spent the rest of the time I had at home spending the time with a few friends and my family, going to the gym each day and taking some time for myself before returning back to Ada.

My return to Ada was about as expected, it was cold but my roommates and I were so excited to have everyone back that we didn't worry about the cold and spent the first few nights talking about break and hanging out with each other, as well as some of our other lacrosse teammates. January 17th brought the first day of lacrosse practice and the start of our final season for us seniors. We practiced 3 times on this day and finished the day by reflecting on MLK day with the team. Classes started on Tuesday the 18th and we continued lacrosse practice each day. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there hasn't been much to write about as far as class is concerned.

In my final piece of news for the past few weeks, I did experience what it's like to have my debit card information stolen and let me tell you, its not fun and I would not recommend it to anyone. Thankfully I was able to catch it before any real damage was done and did not lose any money, however I am now with very limited access to my own money for the next few days and thats not a feeling I am enjoying.

Thank you for taking some time to review the last few weeks of my life as we finish up the first chapter of my chronicles. I am looking forward to writing these weekly blog posts and I hope you enjoy following along with me as we go into the last full week of January 2022.


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