Carson's Week in Review: Week 4

 This past week was quite exciting with a lot to talk about, so I'll keep it to the highlights as to not take up your entire day.  So, where to start? Let's start mid-week as the early portion of the week was not much more eventful than going to class and lacrosse practice. However as Wednesday rolled around, there was talk of snow, and a lot of it! We heard that there was going to be anywhere between 5 and 36 inches of snow over just about 24 hours! My house was beyond excited and began planning our snow day and what we would be doing if we happened to get snowed in or have class cancelled. Sure enough, we had class cancelled on Thursday and the house spent all day watching and enjoying the snow. After shoveling our driveway we decided to build a couch out of the snow in our front yard! We made a large pile of snow and did our best to form a large couch out of the freshly falling snow. We had a lot of support from people driving by, honking and cheering us on as they rolled past. We followed the snow couch with a quick walking trip over the community market to grab some supplies for a cozy night with hot chocolate and movies in the snowy night. 

    Late Thursday night we were informed that we would not have class on Friday either! This really excited the boys again and we prepared for a second day of snow filled fun. Although class was cancelled, we were still told of a possibility of having a practice in the afternoon so we had to keep the snowy shenanigans to a minimum until we heard for sure that practice was yet again cancelled as the field was not able to be cleared off in time for us to practice. We did keep the activities to a minimum on Friday and took the day to rest as we prepared for a weekend of practicing and our first team scrimmage against Denison University on Sunday.

    The weekend came and went with a lot of excitement as we practiced on Saturday and headed on down to Granville to scrimmage Denison on Sunday afternoon. Denison is currently ranked in the top 20 in the nation and we played well. Although there are definitely some parts of our game that we need to improve on, we definitely played hard and had a good showing although we did end up losing by a couple goals. The result from this weekend was enough to get the boys excited to get back to work this week as we know we can compete with the best, but now we want to be able to beat the best!

Thanks for listening this week, see you all again next week!


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