Carson's Week in Review: Week 6

 Howdy Friends!

    This last week was packed with excitement, school and thankfully no drama. To start, last week was pretty laid back as far as class is concerned, although, we did have the Chief Financial Officer of Grange Insurance, Terri Brown, speak with my Portfolio Management class about her story and how she has reached the level of success that she has today. If there is one takeaway from her story, it was to always be yourself and never burn bridges. Terri was always true to herself and presented herself in that manner while working, and although she parted ways with a few different companies, she never ruined any of her previous connections and was offered her current position because of a connection from a previous employer. 

    Anyways, I really enjoyed listening to her speak and her message was great, but I think the main highlight of my last week was the first game of my senior lacrosse season on Saturday! This was an emotional week for me, but in a good way. We have been working so hard over the last month to prepare for this season, practicing in snow, rain, below freezing temperatures and occasionally some sun, all for the opportunity to finally play someone in a different colored uniform. It was emotional for me because this game officially marked the beginning of my final chapter as a college lacrosse player. We have a tradition within the team where, after practice the night before each game of the season, a senior gets to give a speech to the entire team. I chose to go first, and because this is a tradition within the team, I will limit what I say regarding this, but it was extremely emotional for me. To speak in front of a group of men that I consider family and truly open my heart to them, it was difficult, but also felt amazing to know that each one of them has my back no matter where we go. 

    Following my senior speech, we loaded up the bus and headed up to Alma, Michigan to play the Scots of Alma College. We actually spent the night in a hotel about an hour south of Alma in a town that I do not know the name of and had pizza and spent some good time hanging with my teammates before it was lights out. Soon enough, it was time to eat breakfast, load the bus back up and finish our business trip. We arrived, took care of business and got ready to head back home to Ada. The game was good, finally we were able to play a game that counted for our record, against a school that doesn't really like us and really took it to them. I got to play for about 10 minutes in the game and recorded a single save on the only shot that I faced. We had a lot of good that happened in our 13-4 victory, but also a lot that needs to be cleaned up before we play our next opponent, the DePauw Tigers from Indiana. Overall, it was a pretty great week here in the village and I'm looking forward to this week!

Thanks for reading!



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