Chapter 3 Review

    In Chapter 3 of our book, we learned about how to put formal social media marketing strategies and marketing plans in place. In order to understand how to put these two items together to maximize use of social media platforms, we must first understand the difference between the two terms. A social media marketing strategy outlines the tactics for how a company will incorporate social media into its business. The social media marketing plan is a living document that outlines an organization's social media goals and guides the actions need to achieve these goals. Basically, the marketing strategy is how social media is used, while the plan is what needs to be done to reach the goals. Through the reading, we learned of the importance of identifying a target market and conducting a social media audit first. These steps are taken to understand who you are trying to reach, and why you may not currently be reaching them. After establishing this, its important to create goals that you want to accomplish and find the metrics that you can use to track them, because as we learned with SMART goals, all goals must be measurable. The rest of the chapter goes into detail about creating a content distribution strategy, establishing a tone and giving your social media platforms life. Finding ways to track your progress, analyzing that progress and fine tuning your strategy on the fly as you find things that may not work well or even better than expected. Towards the end of the chapter there are a few sections on social media advertising strategy which is very similar to the marketing strategy with a few additional steps and rearranging of a few others. When developing an advertising strategy, its also important to understand which platforms will be used, the budget, down to the week, as well as the format of the ad. Finally, we talk about best practices in social media advertising which essentially summed the reading up. Talking about targeting the right people, considering the ad funnel and buyers journey, automating your schedule to make it easier on yourself and making sure to constantly monitor and analyze your metrics to help direct future strategies.

Thanks for reading,



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