Carson's Week in Review: Week 9

Howdy friends!

    This past week, as a trend in most of my posts, was all about lacrosse. There was a bit of school here and there but the most exciting part of my week was definitely our first game of the conference season on Saturday against Mount Union. 
    So, I guess I should touch on the school stuff first to get that out of the way because I know you were all on the edge of your seats to read about that. But the main school event for me was simply a large case study assignment I had in my managerial economics class, and when I say large I mean it took me way longer than it should. We had to review a companies supply and demand curves and apply a lot of our economic principles to find out at what price point a company should sell their product to remain in business and at what point should they, at least temporarily, halt production. This took me a majority of my Thursday night and Friday morning and when I turned it in, it turned out that most of class did it incorrectly so we had to discuss it in class and redo the assignment over the weekend, effectively taking up my entire Sunday night. But that was about the extent of my academic excitement for the week, onto the lacrosse!

    To start, let's just say we don't like the Mount Union lacrosse team very much and its a mutual feeling on their side. They have only ever beaten us one time since we started our program seven years ago and that was in year one. Ever since then, they have not been able to beat us but they talk a big game as if we are still their little brother, so when I say this game had a lot of anticipation surrounding it, I hope you can understand how big it truly is to both programs. This season it was especially important as it was the first game of our conference season and can really dictate how one's conference season goes because a big win can spur momentum while a loss can really derail a team at the beginning of conference play. 
    We prepared all week by watching film, getting to know their personnel, their tendencies, learning their plays and having our "EZ Company" run Mount's plays against our starters to get a live look at what we should be expecting come game time. After a full week of preparation and hard work it was finally game time. Us goalies go out on the field and get a warmup an hour and a half before game time and the rest of the team takes their first warmup an hour before the first whistle. Then we all go back into the locker room, collect ourselves mentally and make any final preparations like putting on eye black or reading over the scout before we hit the field 15 minutes before the start of the game for our final warmup.
    Immediately after seeing their gross purple and grey uniforms I knew it was time to flip my mental switch and dominate the game. We went up pretty early 3-0 as the team looked sharp but then we kind of stalled offensively and finished the first quarter 4-0 as our defense was looking solid. The second quarter continued the stall and finished fairly uneventfully with each team only giving up one goal, making the score 5-1 as we went into the locker room for halftime. We came out swinging and quickly put up another two goals after the break and finished the third quarter with an 9-1 lead. The real story of our game was how good our defense looked as we finished the game strong only giving up one more goal in the fourth and taking home sweet victory to the tune of an 11-2 final score.

    It was a great feeling to celebrate that win with my team and start our conference season 1-0. We get to play Wilmington College and Muskingum this week on Wednesday and Saturday so I hope you look forward to hearing about those games next week! 

Thanks for recapping my week with me! 



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