Chapter Review: LinkedIn

Howdy readers!

    This weeks reading took us into the depths of LinkedIn, AKA "Facebook for Businesspeople". While LinkedIn may be a great place for people in the professional world to connect with each other, it is also a great marketing platform for businesses and brands. LinkedIn has a versatile page creator for businesses and individuals alike and an algorithm that allows users to reach extremely large and diverse groups of potential consumers in a way that many other platforms do not. When a user comments or engages with a post, that post is then shared with that users network as well, allowing for a chain reaction of engagements and new markets that would not normally be reached organically on other platforms. LinkedIn also allows businesses and brands to target their audience by a plethora of categories, such as job title, function and industry that are not normally accessible on other platforms.

    Another advantage that LinkedIn has is that is great for B2B communication and is considered the number one channel for B2B marketers to distribute content. 92 percent of B2B marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other social media platforms and 77 percent of professionals expect to engage directly with others to find professional content on LinkedIn, which allows brands to advantageously use this platform to connect with new markets and consumers.

    As we discuss LinkedIn more in class I hope to continue to learn more about the marketing side of this platform. I know I learned a lot from my reading this week and I hope I may have introduced you to some new information as well!

Thank you for learning with me!



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