Chapter Review: Pinterest

   Howdy everyone!

    This weeks social media platform of study was Pinterest! This is a site I was much less familiar with compared to previous platforms as I believe I've only ever accessed the site twice and don't think I even have an account on it. So lets dive into my quick review!

    Pinterest is a visual pinboard-style platform that allows users to discover, save and share ideas. The platform allows users to create ideas themselves or browse others and "Pin" them to their own boards. User's can create different boards to create theme's or if they're looking to start a project, they can save others ideas that they have found and would potentially like to incorporate in their own project. For example, my girlfriend has already created a whole board for the items she wants to get for a future apartment or home. This allows users to find ideas or styles they may not have thought of previously and save them for future use so that it's easily accessible and won't be forgotten, especially if their plans are sometime in the future.

    Pinterest is a female dominated platform, reaching 42 percent of females and only 15 percent of males. The age and geographic distribution is much more balanced, reaching between 25 and 35 percent of all 18 to 64 year olds and 30 percent of the urban and suburban market, as well as, 15 percent of 65+ year-olds and 26 percent of the rural market.

    Like other social media platforms, Pinterest allows users to follow other users and brands that are on the platform and will see these followed accounts posts on their "home feed". These posts are great marketing tools because each "Pin" can be saved, shared, commented on, or interacted with through some kind of call to action URL linked to the Pin.

    Pinterest allows users a direct connection to brands and sellers who can Pin new products and ideas that can be interacted with quickly and easily. Through the proper use of Business accounts and the Pinterest algorithm, businesses and brands can quickly grow their popularity and expand their markets. I believe Pinterest is going to continue to grow and will be used even more heavily in the future by businesses and small brands as consumers look to do more DIY projects and I am interested to continue to learn about this platform.

I hope you all learned something new, I know I did and I will be doing some more Pinterest exploring as I look into finding my own place after graduation! Thanks for reading!


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