Let's Learn: Social Media Campaigns!

 This week we read about and studied social media campaigns! The goal of a social media campaign is to connect all aspects of marketing and advertising to create the best possible sales and brand awareness outcome for our brand or company. When considering social media campaigns, there are a lot of different aspects that goes into a successful plan. From advertising and personal selling to events and public relations, each piece of this puzzle need to come together and communicate with each other to create our big picture plan. This is what we call Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The goal of IMC is to get each individual piece to "communicate" with each other and build off each piece as it is laid out.

    In order to create the best outcomes, marketers often follow the AIDA model: Grab their Attention, Build their Interest, Create the Desire and Persuade them to take Action. Following this model allows brands to define their goals and find ways of creating a successful marketing plan by producing content that is going to check each of these boxes. When brands are able to put all of these pieces together, in a way that follows the AIDA model, aligns with brand goals and works together the resulting marketing plan can be a thing of beauty and is something that really interests me in the world of marketing and social media. 

    I am looking forward to reading and learning more about this topic and I hope you have picked up on something new today, because I know I have!

 Thanks for reading!


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