The Podcast!

Howdy readers!

    This week we will not be discussing the chapter read in our book, but discussing the podcast I recorded this past week with my Dad to discuss LinkedIn and how he has used the platform in the past and present of his professional career! 

    I prefer my podcasts to be free-flowing and allow them to build on themselves, however for this occasion I prepared a few questions to ask my interviewee. The questions I began with are as followed:
     - How have you used LinkedIn in the past to market yourself when looking for a new position or when looking for a new employee.
    - How do you currently use LinkedIn within your present role to market yourself, your team or your product?

    From these questions we discussed the different ways LinkedIn can be used at the different stages of a persons career, from looking to a job to being in a position where you are looking to hire others. We also discussed how frequently a professional uses LinkedIn in a typical day as well as the different tools the platform provides to keep in touch with your business relationships over time.
    Through our conversation, I learned many new ways in which I could leverage LinkedIn to create new opportunities, connections and maintain current relationships throughout my professional career that I am excited to try out myself as I continue on my professional journey.

    In order to get the full experience and enjoy our conversation for yourself, use this link to access my SoundCloud where I published the full episode: I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for tuning in this week!


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